Schumer should be censored by the Senate. And the two newest justices should ignore the minority leader’s sidewalk theatrics.
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Schumer should be censored by the Senate. And the two newest justices should ignore the minority leader’s sidewalk theatrics.
Virginia doesn’t have early voting. That meant Biden’s post-South Carolina surge was powerful in the Old Dominion. Still think early voting is a good idea, Democrats?
Virginia Beach Councilman Aaron Rouse - on the job for a mere 14 months - is ready to resign his seat to run for mayor. Bad idea.
The Senate Privileges and Elections Committee wisely tabled a bizarre bill that would have relinquished Virginia’s sovereignty to California and New York.
Apparently, the squishy liberals running the show in Richmond learned absolutely nothing from the slaughter at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida just two years ago.
Wednesday night proved you can’t buy a good debate. Bloomberg looked weak and unprepared on stage. Under attack from all sides.
Turns out there are some anti-gun measures that even Virginia Democrats can’t stomach.
In essence, if HB177 passes the State Senate, Virginia will have “relinquished its sovereignty to California.” Lucky us.
Last week Elaine Luria was AWOL from the white-clad Left-Wing Ladies’ Auxiliary. Must be an election year.
There are exactly eight Ivy League colleges in the US while there are more than 4,000 other colleges. Insult our beloved alma maters at your peril.
I can’t wait for the first sanitation workers strike. Those are always fun.
At least Republicans know how to tabulate a few thousand ballots without setting their entire party on fire.
Wonder if an ordinary, non-elected drunk would enjoy this kind of leniency?
If it seems that the majority in Richmond is suddenly coddling criminals and cracking down on law-abiding gun owners, they are.
When a person is bagged by police for drunk driving and needs an interpreter to understand what’s being said, it’s not racial profiling to ask his or her immigration status.
It’s common sense.
The senator from Vermont is being Brett Kavanaughed. By rivals in his own party.
I couldn’t wait to get back to the football game where the opposing players were gentler with each other than many folks were to Vaughn on social media.
That’s what we get for electing Republican senators, I suppose. Or for supporting the Second Amendment. Unclear exactly what caused the Beach to fall out of favor with Richmond’s Democratic potentates.