In all the years I sat at my mother's table, I never remember anyone ever asking her for a recipe. The food was passable. The company was priceless.
In all the years I sat at my mother's table, I never remember anyone ever asking her for a recipe. The food was passable. The company was priceless.
The City of Virginia Beach is crafting a statement to “acknowledge” the Native Americans who lived there before the English settlers.
Instead of kneecapping his chances of being elected, the multiple prosecutions of Donald Trump made him a stronger candidate.
The faces on that elected body change, their party affiliations change, but the feckless policies remain the same.
Christopher Darnell Jones, Jr., has plead guilty to three counts of first-degree murder, two counts of aggravated malicious wounding, and five counts of use of a firearm in the commission of a felony in connection with the mass shooting at the University of Virginia two years ago.
Here’s the playbook: Republicans nominate a candidate for office - the Supreme Court, the presidency or cabinet - and the Dems reflexively launch a campaign to smear that person’s reputation with women who suddenly materialize, making vague, unsubstantiated claims about sexual assaults.
On air Monday Mika and Joe announced a reset with Trump, pretending that they only made nine to Hitler in furtherance of their hard-nosed approach to journalism. Neilson showed an exodus of 145,000 viewers after the first hour of Monday’s show.
Fact is, most women don’t want to share private spaces with men no matter how dosed up they are on estrogen or how much make-up they wear.
Frankly, the three Iberra brothers are not the only people who ought to be locked up right now. Some wear suits and work in Washington.
Nowhere are suspicions of election shenanigans stronger than in Pennsylvania where election officials are openly defying a state supreme court ruling that disqualifies ballots that lack signatures or postmarks.
More than 60 employers showed up to the University of Virginia’s 2024 job fair on Oct. 23 to offer job and internship opportunities to UVA students. They were greeted civilly by most — but not by everyone. The Dissenters, a militant pro-Palestinian student organization, targeted companies deemed complicit with Israel.
Hopeful news in a time of gloom: forty-six state attorneys general across the United States have banded together in a bipartisan coalition to defeat a common hated enemy: illegal robocall operators.
More than a month after hurricane struck the Carolinas and Florida we learn that a FEMA official has been fired for instructing her crew to skip houses with Trump signs.
Mayor Bobby Dyer exploded at Tuesday’s city council meeting and threatened to scrap the 2025 something In The Water music festival if overdue contracts with the promoter weren’t signed by the end of business Friday.
Kiss the pronouns, the drag queens and the DEI imbeciles goodbye. Hegseth, a graduate of Princeton and Harvard who earned two Bronze Stars for his valor in Iraq and Afghanistan is going to reinvigorate the military and clean house.
I can’t wait to see Democrat lawyers in court arguing to keep illegal criminals and national security risks in the country.
No matter how the presidential election turned out, I knew my bestie and I were heading to an Ole Miss football weekend four days later.
kids were afraid to talk in class and say something unpopular because they would be canceled. And it’s an epidemic….