Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is slated to give a speech this afternoon in Phoenix. As it happens, Trump is scheduled to do the same. Rumors are rampant that RFK will drop out of the presidential race and throw his support to - gasp - Trump.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is slated to give a speech this afternoon in Phoenix. As it happens, Trump is scheduled to do the same. Rumors are rampant that RFK will drop out of the presidential race and throw his support to - gasp - Trump.
I don’t begrudge this highly successful couple their mansions or their millions. Nor do I think it’s unfair that their girls will someday inherit immense generational wealth that most children will not. Yet the Obamas live like international jet setters while talking like socialists.
There he was, delivering his speech way past his - and everyone else’s - bedtime on the D-list Monday night line-up at the Democratic National Convention. Clearly the party bosses didn’t want him on prime time TV and had scheduled him for a 10 p.m. slot. Then, because of windy speeches by the rest of the JV team, he didn’t take the stage until 11:30 p.m. EST
You don’t have to be pro-life to be repulsed by Planned Parenthood’s mobile abortion van offering free chemical womb cleanings and vasectomies to DNC attendees and goodie bags brimming with masks, painkillers and affirmation cards.
Have you noticed that Kamala Harris’ gimmicky plans for price controls don’t include college and university tuition?
This dish is one of my favorites. In Italy fishermen from Genoa and Liguria live hard lives but know how to prepare their catches.
Harris tried to placate the pro-terorrist voters by passing over a popular a Jewish politician - Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro - as her running mate. Apparently that wasn’t enough for these antisemites.
Stern warnings were issued on Monday to Musk - the man who single-handedly saved free speech in America - by the EU’s digital enforcer.
You REALLY don’t hate journalists enough.
Unless you reared an exceptionally delightful, well-adjusted child, the post-high school summer is filled with unbearable conflict.
I’m not a psychiatrist. I can’t diagnose Walz or Biden or anyone else who boasts and exaggerates to make themselves seem grander, braver and more accomplished than they are. But the little lies. the omissions and the exaggerations add up. Tim Walz is becoming a problem.
Climate alarmists are either stupid or assume the vast majority of Americans are stupid
This is a favorite and great for when it is raining outside on a lazy Sunday. Buon Appetito.
It’s blindingly clear that the legacy media regards the Kamala Harris candidacy as a “do-over” for Hillary. This is an opportunity for the far-left media to finally get an unlikable woman elected president.
If money decides this election for mayor of Virginia’s largest city, Bobby Dyer will win again.
She picked far-left, way-out-of-the-mainstream Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. And Harris settled on him for one main reason: He’s not Jewish. That’s the power of the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party.
The U.S. has a zombie president - no one knows who’s making decisions in the White House - and San Francisco socialist waiting in the wings.
Audiences go to movie theaters to be entertained. Period. We don’t want to be scolded, preached at, lectured or brainwashed.
Virginia’s election process, with its reliance on paper ballots backing up the machine counts, is solid.